[Docutils-users] Odt writer: customize default table properties
Jorge Scandaliaris
2014-08-13 08:14:18 UTC
Copying styles.odt to a new location, modifying it and using the
--stylesheet option works for some things, like changing the table border
widths, for example. For specifying text flow options within the table
(specifically unticking the "allow row to break across pages and columns"),
however, it doesn't seem to work. What I did:
1- Open styles.odt
2- Left click anywhere on the first table, then right click -> Table -> Text
flow -> untick "allow row to break across pages and columns"
3- Save file
4- Re-run rdt2odt.py

I have attempted to create the rstsyle-table-0 style, but I am not sure I
did it the right way, so I deleted. Could this be the cause? What would be
the exact procedure to create this style?


