Alan G Isaac
2016-02-08 23:23:37 UTC
I often use the ``include`` directive with the ``start-after``
and ``end-before`` options. However, my delimiters are
generally on their own lines, which means that I end up with
undesired prepended and appended eols. Is there any way
around this?
"I believe that anyone who claims to know what's going on
will lie about the little things too."
-- Sam Black Crow, in American Gods by Neil Gaiman, p.139
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and ``end-before`` options. However, my delimiters are
generally on their own lines, which means that I end up with
undesired prepended and appended eols. Is there any way
around this?
"I believe that anyone who claims to know what's going on
will lie about the little things too."
-- Sam Black Crow, in American Gods by Neil Gaiman, p.139
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