[Docutils-users] MathJax
Alan Isaac
2016-02-21 16:58:59 UTC
If I request MathJax output from rst2html,
it is included as an http request.
This means the content won't display (by default)
in browsers that care about mixed content if the
page is securely served. (Examples: FireFox, Edge.)

As I understand it, MathJax recommends using https:

Can this be changed in the source (rather than
relying on user configuration)?
I am grateful for the configuration option, but it seems
the default is wrong?

Alan Isaac

PS I am confused about why the documentation

math-output: MathJax file:/usr/share/javascript/mathjax/MathJax.js

instead of::

--math-output="MathJax file:/usr/share/javascript/mathjax/MathJax.js"

In my experience, the quotes are essential for this to work.

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Guenter Milde
2016-05-24 10:31:33 UTC
Post by Alan Isaac
If I request MathJax output from rst2html,
it is included as an http request.
This means the content won't display (by default)
in browsers that care about mixed content if the
page is securely served. (Examples: FireFox, Edge.)
Can this be changed in the source (rather than
relying on user configuration)?
Then, the abovementioned Browsers would refuse to show the page if it is
served via "normal" html...
Post by Alan Isaac
I am grateful for the configuration option, but it seems
the default is wrong?
I recommend setting the mathjax URL in the docutils configuration file.
Post by Alan Isaac
PS I am confused about why the documentation
math-output: MathJax file:/usr/share/javascript/mathjax/MathJax.js
--math-output="MathJax file:/usr/share/javascript/mathjax/MathJax.js"
In my experience, the quotes are essential for this to work.
The example shows the use in a config file.
The quotes are essential for command line arguments. They are not required
in the configuration file. (Also a colon will not work on the command line.)


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