I wrote a rst2rst once, too, it must be somewhere.
Post by Kevin HornRstgen might also help: https://bitbucket.org/khorn/rstgen
It was written years ago to convert some documentation from another format
into restructuredText
Probably I should clean it up and publish it on PyPI, but I've never
managed to get around to it.
Post by Guenter MildePost by Jimmy ThrasibuleThe docutils package does not come with any reStructuredText writer. How
easy would it be to code one?
Easy to medium. It depends on the details and knowledge of the inner
structures of Docutils.
There is an unfinished attempt in the SVN repository tree
Post by Jimmy ThrasibuleThe primary use case would be to combine multiple documents into a
Post by Jimmy Thrasibuledocument tree and re-write the result as reStructuredText.
An alternative is the export to XML and conversion to rST with X
"xml2rst", an XSLT stylesheet written by Stefan Merten.
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