StackOverflow and all the other StackExchange sites use Markdown heavily. I
helped its adoption.
native extension language. I used it for a year or so and gave the author
feedback, but it was never great.
/George V. Reilly *** Twitter: @georgevreilly
Post by Kevin Horn@Skip
IMO, RestructuredText and Markdown fill different niches. Markdown really
targets HTML output and is quite limited when talking about other output
formats. This is mainly because it only supports a limited group of
document elements. If you need something outside this set of elements, the
Markdown way of handling this is to insert raw html. This really makes
markdown only suitable for (relatively) simple documents or documents that
will be turned into HTML.
RestructuredText tries much harder to support whatever type of document
element you happen to need, and if one isn't supported, it has built in
extension mechanisms (custom directives/roles) which you can use. This
allows it to be much more useful if you want to support non-HTML output
There's room for both in the ecosystem, as they do different things
(though there is some overlap).
As far as Markdown taking over, I would say that both have experienced
quite a bit of growth in the last few years, Markdown mostly being used for
simple documents, and HTML fragments (thinking comments here), and
RestructuredText getting a lot of use and exposure via Sphinx (which is
used for lots of projects even outside the Python community).
Post by Skip MontanaroHasn't Markdown kind of taken over the marked-up-text world these days?
Or is that just how it appears since that's what Github supports?
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