Post by David GoodgerPost by David GoodgerPost by Matthew WoehlkeTitle
...text here...
...text here...
This renders quite badly, as the "Title" is the same size (<h1>) as the
Is there any way to force reST to start headings at <h2>, or (less
preferable) to skip automatic title detection?
Note: This needs to be rendered by a system I don't control, so I can't
just throw CSS at the problem.
Sorry, but that is unhelpful. Again, I *don't control* the process used to
generate HTML.
Re that "again": In your original email, I understood "render" in its
usual sense, i.e. "render HTML in the browser", and that's a common
enough issue to have a section in the FAQ. I was trying to be helpful.
Specificity earlier would have avoided the misunderstanding.
Fair enough. Apologies for the confusion.
Post by David GoodgerTherefore, unless there is a way to specify configuration in
the .rst itself (if there is, it's not documented obviously enough), I can't
use either of the solutions in the FAQ (both of which I already knew about).
I need a solution that can be implemented with *only* changes to the .rst
input file.
That's not possible, sorry.
Do you have control over the .docutils configuration file? If so, you
can specify the setting there.
I'm not sure. I can place one in the same directory as my .rst, but I
have no idea if it will be used.
Post by David GoodgerWhat is the environment in which the HTML is being generated?
It's a server that generates dynamic content by fetching an .rst file
from a git repository and producing HTML on demand. (Vaguely similar
idea to github's automatic rendering of .rst, but it's not github.)
I probably *could* go monkey with the server if I really had to (it's an
internal thing developed and run by a coworker), but a general patch
risks breaking things for other people, and a location-specific hack is
getting rather egregious.
Modifying it to try to fetch a configuration file might be okay though.
Post by David Goodger.. disable title promotion the very beginning of the document (note the leading indent; the text
after the comment is of course arbitrary). The rendering is tolerable but
makes it impossible to have the first heading be a title, and adds a useless
<blockquote> element to the resulting HTML.
You can use the "title" directive to specify a document title.
Right. Alas, it has no effect (something about how the server generates
the HTML ignores what reST would otherwise specify the title to be; it
doesn't work with "real" titles either). It would be nice (but not
critical) to have an <h1 class="title"> though instead of a plain <h1>.
Thanks for the tip anyway.
Post by David GoodgerGiven that this is apparently a common problem, it seems to me that there
should be a way to handle this more gracefully in the reST syntax itself...
Your specific problem is not common at all. This is the first I've heard of it.
Really? There is a FAQ about how it...
I may have a unique wrinkle, but it seems to me it would be useful if
there was a syntatic way to solve the FAQ.