Post by Renato PonteficeHi, I'm little bit confused...I thought that I can use the normal wiki
function, and finaly export varrious page as .rst (then use the .rst to
create .pdf or HTML by rst2pdf or rst2html macro).IT seems that it is
not the way. I need to create a new link as a .rst page.
Is this the way? Or do I made some mistake?
You just create pages in the Wiki and access them as a Wiki, there's
no explicit exporting involved the pages are generated dynamically by
the Dokuwiki 'engine'.
So, if it's an ordinary Dokuwiki syntax page the Dokuwiki engine
converts it from Dokuwiki syntax to HTML for the web server to send.
If it's some RST then the Dokuwiki engine passes it to my RST plugin
which converts it to HTML for the web server.
You can either embed RST in a normal Dokuwiki page using the <rst> and
</rst> directives or you can create pages with .rst as a suffix and
the whole page will be treated as RST.
So my RST plugin just provides a way to write your wiki pages in a
different mark-up language from the default Dokuwiki markup, they are
still Wiki pages just liek the rest of your wiki.
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