Oleksandr Gavenko
2016-02-22 00:15:33 UTC
Modern HTML5 text usually have:
<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
in <head>.
I can't understand how can I pass this line to resulted template.
In ``rst2html --help`` there is:
HTML-Specific Options
--template=<file> Specify the template file (UTF-8 encoded). Default is
``template.txt`` is:
What changes make to template in order to include additional <meta> tag?
*PS* I can precess HTML files with sed as quick solution.
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<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
in <head>.
I can't understand how can I pass this line to resulted template.
In ``rst2html --help`` there is:
HTML-Specific Options
--template=<file> Specify the template file (UTF-8 encoded). Default is
``template.txt`` is:
What changes make to template in order to include additional <meta> tag?
*PS* I can precess HTML files with sed as quick solution.
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