Oleksandr Gavenko
2016-02-29 22:43:15 UTC
Most feature rich competitor to RST syntax is AsciiDoc and it has regular
syntax for passing additional parameters to macros::
For block level syntax looks like:
[quote, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes]
As he spoke there was the sharp sound of horses' hoofs and
grating wheels against the curb, followed by a sharp pull at the
bell. Holmes whistled.
For inline::
image::images/logo.png[scaledwidth="75%",alt="Company Logo"]
RST have regular syntax for block level elements:
.. contents:: My TOC
:depth: 1
But I can't find relevant mentioning about support of parameters by roles:
I think about exploiting finite number of parameters so it is possible just to
register necessary amount of roles.
Also I don't understand if additional parameters to directive will be
accessible from Python RST parser for inline substitution, like:
This is a |myref|.
.. |myref| data:: TEXT
:attr1: val1, val2
:attr2: no
:attrn: http://.../...
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syntax for passing additional parameters to macros::
For block level syntax looks like:
[quote, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes]
As he spoke there was the sharp sound of horses' hoofs and
grating wheels against the curb, followed by a sharp pull at the
bell. Holmes whistled.
For inline::
image::images/logo.png[scaledwidth="75%",alt="Company Logo"]
RST have regular syntax for block level elements:
.. contents:: My TOC
:depth: 1
But I can't find relevant mentioning about support of parameters by roles:
I think about exploiting finite number of parameters so it is possible just to
register necessary amount of roles.
Also I don't understand if additional parameters to directive will be
accessible from Python RST parser for inline substitution, like:
This is a |myref|.
.. |myref| data:: TEXT
:attr1: val1, val2
:attr2: no
:attrn: http://.../...
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