[Docutils-users] [Feature/Bug] If a role content is empty, it's never called?
Anil Lakhman
2016-05-20 16:51:39 UTC

I'm not subscribed to the mailing list, please CC me if possible on the

I have filed a github issue here replicating the issue:


Basically, If I add a custom role and pass an empty string within the
backticks, the role is never called, so I don't have a chance to show a
warning or error message. For example the :download: role shows a warning
message if we pass an empty string or space within the backticks.

Am I missing something or is this not possible? (I'm using sphinx)

Here it is in code:

Say I have the following role which converts an icon role into an inline
font awesome icon:

# e.g: Create an inline <span class="fa fa-rocket fa-2x"></span>def
icon_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={},
options.update({'classes': ["fa-" + x for x in text.split(",")]})
node = nodes.inline(**options)
return [node], []
# ... add it - Note i'm using sphinx hence `app`

app.add_role('icon', icon_role)

# Now I use it like so:

#= <span class="fa fa-rocket"></span>


# Now say I forget to pass through some text or empty space
# (accidently deleted, forget I had it, etc..)
:icon:`` # No text
:icon:` ` # Space empty text

#= :icon:``
#= :icon:` `

# Notice how it just outputs the role raw, it doesn't seem to even
call `icon_role`
# so I don't have a chance to check the value (and throw a warning)

If the content with backticks is empty, I would like to decide what to do
with the role (output a empty node, throw a warning, place a default icon).

Am I missing something?

The :download: role does this, but I'm finding it confusing as to who it's
implemented. It throws the following error if you pass an empty string.

# Throws an error: WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.

# Just outputs the raw role text (I don't have a chance to do anything)

Any Ideas?

You can also reply to this github ticket on sphinx:


Any help would be very much appreciated! - This could be an excellent
feature for validation, if it doesn't exist already.

Guenter Milde
2016-05-21 16:54:57 UTC
Post by Anil Lakhman
I'm not subscribed to the mailing list, please CC me if possible on the
Basically, If I add a custom role and pass an empty string within the
backticks, the role is never called, so I don't have a chance to show a
warning or error message.
This is the same for standard roles::

das ist `interpreted`

das ist ` ` nichts

becomes ::

das ist
das ist ` ` nichts

and is a consequence of the ``rST inline markup recognition rules`__

__ http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#inline-markup-recognition-rules
Post by Anil Lakhman
For example the :download: role shows a warning
message if we pass an empty string or space within the backticks.
Really? Then parsing happens somehow differently from Docutils
implementation of rst.
Post by Anil Lakhman
Am I missing something or is this not possible? (I'm using sphinx)
Post by Anil Lakhman
# Now say I forget to pass through some text or empty space
# (accidently deleted, forget I had it, etc..)
:icon:`` # No text
:icon:` ` # Space empty text
#= :icon:``
#= :icon:` `
# Notice how it just outputs the role raw, it doesn't seem to even
call `icon_role`
# so I don't have a chance to check the value (and throw a warning)
If the content with backticks is empty, I would like to decide what to do
with the role (output a empty node, throw a warning, place a default icon).
Am I missing something?
The :download: role does this, but I'm finding it confusing as to who it's
implemented. It throws the following error if you pass an empty string.
# Throws an error: WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.
Does this really happen with


It usually happens if there is no end string (and also nothing else), e.g.


but not with

:funny:` more text
Post by Anil Lakhman
# Just outputs the raw role text (I don't have a chance to do anything)
Yes, this is not recognized as rST markup (just like e.g. ::

x*y* or :math:` x+2 `


I am afraid this is an issue to stay, as it concerns defines rST rules.
You may file an enhancement ticket for recognition of
:something:`` or :something` ` but there is no chance of a quick fix


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